Livaforce is a unique herbal supplement combining milk thistle with Sutherlandia (an adaptogenic tonic) and Magnesium (a mineral essential for liver function). It has protective and detoxifying properties that promote healthy liver function.
In addition to ridding your body of harmful substances, the liver has several crucial functions. These include bile production, helping your body store sugar in the form of glycogen, breaking down saturated fat, and producing cholesterol. It is also responsible for making blood proteins that aid in clotting, transporting oxygen, and supporting your immune system.
Liver disease is a serious health concern and can lead to dangerous complications, and liver failure can be fatal. There are many causes of liver failure, including cirrhosis (resulting from excessive drug and/or alcohol consumption or infections such as Hepatitis), non-alcohol-related fatty liver disease, and hemochromatosis.
Fortunately, there are ways to prevent and repair liver damage.
The benefits of milk thistle have been thoroughly researched and proven in numerous studies, and it has no equal in conventional medicine. According to Mayo Clinic, it acts as a liver detoxicant, promotes liver cell regeneration, and has proven effective in nearly all forms of liver damage, including necrosis, cirrhosis, hepatitis, and liver damage caused by alcohol or drug use. According to a 2016 study conducted by the National Library of Medicine, the active ingredient, silymarin, helps prevent toxins from invading the liver and repairs liver damage. By providing nutritional support for the liver, milk thistle promotes normal liver function.
In addition to its benefits to your liver, Sutherlandia is used to treat cancers, fever, diabetes, kidney problems, rheumatism, and stomach ailments. It is also known to help boost your immune system, relieve menstrual cramps, manage stress and anxiety, and combat any inflammation-related diseases.
According to a 2020 study done by Current Developments in Nutrition, magnesium (another active ingredient in Livaforce) aids hormone balance, bone health, energy levels, stress management, sleep, muscle relaxation, digestion, and skin and joint health.
Whether you already have some form of liver damage or are hoping to avoid any damage to your liver, Livaforce can promote healthy liver function. It is completely natural and provides an effective dose of active ingredients.