Dr Kelley’s Enzymes
Dr Kelley’s Enzymes
Potent active enzymes vital to good health
Dr Kelley was a dentist who cured himself of pancreatic cancer using enzyme therapy in the 1960s. He then developed a protocol for treating all kinds of cancer using a holistic approach, including diet changes (restricted protein intake, raw juices) and enzymes. Kelley argued that raw food had its active enzymes destroyed when cooked. He believed that cancer is often caused by the body’s inability to effectively metabolize protein due to a lack of proteolytic enzymes.
Kelley’s enzymes are prescribed between meals to exclude them in the digestion of food and ensure absorption into the bloodstream. Dr Kelley theorised that the enzymes digest the outer layer of the cancer cells, opening the cells to attack by the immune system.
Raw food contains a range of enzymes that begin the digestive process when eaten. Human beings are the only animal that cooks their food and depending on the cooking method, thus destroy more or less of the enzymes present. Animals that eat only cooked food are much less healthy than animals given only raw food. Studies done with lab rats have shown that rats eating raw food live about 30% longer than rats eating diets devoid of enzymes. The group on cooked food showed a range of degenerative diseases, which in the third generation were unable to reproduce.
People are now beginning to realize enzymes are more than just involved in the digestion of food. It’s evident that the potent active enzymes are vital to health and also contribute to cancer control. Pancreatic enzymes also play a role in breaking down circulating immune complexes that contribute to inflammation and allergic reactions.
Kelley’s enzymes are currently used by many cancer treatment centres worldwide and should accompany any cancer treatment plan. They treat inflammation and digestive issues, in which case, the pills are taken with meals.